Translator's NeededWe are currently looking for language translators who would offer to volunteer to translate the current Eucharistic Miracles (from any of
our listed languages) into the following languages:
Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Polish,
or any language you may know from the various
cultures. The translator must be grounded in the Roman Catholic Faith and
willing to finish the project by themself or with a group of like-minded
people of their choosing.
If you are interested, please contact us at 1-815-254-4420 or Contact Us |
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Contact Us us information about what you have planned at least one month in advance,
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Apparitions and Marian Shrines in the World
In cooperation with Antonia Salzano Acutis,
Curator of the Pontifical Academy Cultorum Martyrum and
President of the Institute of Saint Clement I Pope and Martyr,
the Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association
presents in English, complete with beautiful artwork, the exhibition:
Apparitions and Marian Shrines in the World
The Fr. John A. Hardon, S. J. Library
at the
Shrine of Our Lady of
In 1999, a year before his death, Father John A. Hardon, S.J. visited Most Reverend Raymond L. Burke (then Bishop of La Crosse Diocese) and approved of the Bishop's plan to build a Marian Catechetical Center at the Shrine complex. After Father Hardon's death, Archbishop Burke (St. Louis Diocese) assumed the spiritual directorship of the Father Hardon apostolates of which The Real Presence Eucharistic Education and
Adoration Association is one and proceeded directly to fulfill his
commitment to Father Hardon.
The Marian Catechetical Center will consist of a variety
of resources for the study of catechetics, classrooms for instruction in
spirituality and doctrine, and facilities for Catholic radio broadcasting. A
library, dedicated to the memory of Father Hardon, will contain many of his
treasured materials. The Shrine has already received some of his clothing and
prayer materials. Other personal library possessions of Father Hardon are
intended to be transferred to the Shrine once proper facilities are constructed.
To receive and preserve the original writings of Father Hardon, the Catechetical
Center will have a museum-quality archiving room on site.
Time is of the essence in constructing the Catechetical
Center. Of primary importance is the need for a center to fully engage the
evangelization resources available through the Marian Catechist Apostolate; of
equal concern is the degree of risk associated with so many of Father Hardon's
works – currently spread across a variety of locations and not yet secured in an
environment of preservation.
The Capital Campaign is underway for the construction of
the Center. Those who benefit from the works of the Father Hardon Apostolates
are particularly requested to come forward to assist Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
in this worthy endeavor. No amount is considered too small.
To learn more about the Shrine you may visit their website at as well as print a copy of the Shrine grounds map.
All contributions are to go directly to the Shrine. If
you care to discuss your donation, you may contact Sister M. Ancilla, F.S.G.M.
at 608-788-8601.
Leif Arvidson, Executive Director
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe
5250 Justin Road
La Crosse, WI 54601
Tel: 608-782-5440 |
Apostolates for Eucharistic Adoration
Interested in Eucharistic Adoration?
Want to expand your search for more information?
The Apostolates for Eucharistic
Adoration section
will allow you discover the many people and places
waiting to serve you
in a variety of ways.

Recent Website Additions
- We continue to add audio file accompaniment to the English version of The Eucharistic Miracles of the World exhibition posters. Four more audio files have been completed: Fiecht, Austia (1310); Morne-Rouge, Carribean Island of Martinique (1902); Blanot, France (1331); and Douai, France (1254). An attendee at a Eucharistic Miracles of the World poster exhibition may listen to an audio file by using their smart phone while standing in front of the relevant exhibition poster. (02-02-2022)
- We continue to add audio file accompaniment to the English version of The Eucharistic Miracles of the World exhibition posters. Two more audio files have been completed for Euchristic Miracles of the country of Austria: Seefeld (1384) and Weiten-Raxendorf (1411). An attendee at a Eucharistic Miracles of the World poster exhibition may listen to an audio file by using their smart phone while standing in front of the relevant exhibition poster. (03-25-2021)
- We have begun adding audio file accompaniment to the English version of The Eucharistic Miracles of the World exhibition posters. The first three audio files that have been completed are for the Euchristic Miracles of the countries of Croatia and Egypt. An attendee at a Eucharistic Miracles of the World poster exhibition may listen to an audio file by using their smart phone while standing in front of the relevant exhibition poster. (02-02-2021)
- Added a link to the online video Mother Teresa's Eucharistic Loveby Bonifatius TV on The Eucharist and Christ's Real
Presence page. "Christian charity and piety are two sides of the same coin. Mother Teresa's life and work are a beautiful illustration of the rich fruit Eucharistic adoration bears. This millennium saint was deeply convinced that Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist was the same Jesus whom we meet in the poorest of the poor. She served and loved him in both appearances - as unfolds Msgr. Dr. Leo Maasburg, one of her longterm companions, translators and spiritual advisors." (02-11-2018)
- History and
Theology of Grace - Chapter X: Infused Virtues and Gifts has been added to the Fr. Hardon Archives in the Grace section. "In The
Clerk’s Tale by Chaucer, we are told that “natural goodness comes of God, no strain of blood can give it, no, nor ancestor.” This was a poetic way of saying that so-called virtue is not born of nature but comes as a gift of God, who endows some people with qualities of mind and heart that others, after a lifetime of effort, never acquire." (01-16-2018)
- History and
Theology of Grace - Chapter IX: Supernatural Merit has been added to the Fr. Hardon Archives in the Grace section. "Woven into the texture of merit are such typically Catholic ideas as freedom of the will, good works, growth in sanctifying grace, the evangelical counsels, and intercessory prayer. They are neither conditions which make merit possible, or derive from meritorious actions nor assist the soul in meriting more effectively before God. A clear understanding of supernatural merit does more than educate the mind in the Christian religion; it offers motivation for fidelity in the spiritual life and, paradoxically, lie close to the center of the heroism of the saints." (01-14-2018)
- History and
Theology of Grace - Chapter VII: Grace and Free Will has been added to the Fr. Hardon Archives in the Grace section. "We know that somehow man’s destiny involves two kinds of freedom: his own and that of God. In examining the dialectic between the two, we keep in mind that from the divine side God "will have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth," but from man's side there is power to follow or resist the loving intentions of God." (01-14-2018)
- History and
Theology of Grace - Chapter V: Sharing the Divine Nature has been added to the Fr. Hardon Archives in the Grace section. "All religion is somehow based on the recognition of a superhuman Reality of which man is at least vaguely conscious and towards which he strives to orientate his life. This orientation may take on extreme forms, or it may be so simple as almost to elude inquiry, but its driving spirit is always the desire to communicate with the divine and, so far as possible, to share in the attributes of the one who is God." (01-14-2018)
- A new 49 minute cartoon video for children, The Eucharist, My Highway to Heaven" has been added to the Eucharistic Miracles section. This video may be downloaded for use at your Eucharistic Miracles exhibition or at any other appropriate Church event. The downloadable version of the vidceo is 1920x1080 resolution and is 845 Mbytes. (09-30-2017)
- Audio Series 173, Workshops,
comprised of 11 workshops by Fr. Hardon, spread out over 20 audio files from 1971, has been added to the Audio Archives. (09-08-2016)
- Added 7 more talks to Audio Series 168, Theology for the Laity - The
Sacraments, comprised of 55 lessons by Fr. Hardon. New topics include the sacraments of matrimony, annointing, and holy orders. (09-08-2016)
- Audio Series 167, Miscellaneous
Talks, has added 8 more talks (17 talks total in the series) by Fr. Hardon, to the Audio Archives. Additional topics include the Catechism, friendship in community, and temptation of Christ. (09-07-2016)
- Audio Series 167, Miscellaneous
Talks, comprised of 9 talks by Fr. Hardon, has been added to the Audio Archives. Topics discussed include religious vocations, religious life, and the meaning of human life. (07-31-2016)