Series 001 |
The Catholic Faith (1978-1979) (37) |
The Communion of Saints,
illumination by Chicago-based artist Jed Gibbons.
Commissioned by Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.
Image: Artist Jed Gibbons.
All rights reserved.
Published with permission.
Series 002 |
The Sacrament of Matrimony Series (Fall 1993) (18) |
Series 003 |
Principles and Practice of Prayer (Spring 1992) (20) |
Series 004 |
Fundamental Sacramental Theology (Spring 1992) (21) |
Series 005 |
Seductions of the Evil Spirit (1997) (16) |
Series 006 |
Re-Evangelization (1992) (16) |
Series 007 |
The Holy Spirit In Our Lives (1997) (16) |
Series 008 |
Catholic Sexual Morality (Volume II) (24) |
Series 009 |
Our Spiritual Life Mens Retreat (July 14 18, 1999) (27) |
Series 010 |
The Holy Priesthood (Spring 1998) Classes (19) |
Series 011 |
Catholic Life and the Eucharist Retreat Conferences (Aug 99) (22) |
Series 012 |
The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist: The Basic Crisis in the Catholic Church Today (18) |
Series 013 |
Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, Part 2 (15) |
Series 014 |
Understanding the Bible (Fall 1993) (18) |
Series 015 |
Basic Catholic Morality I (Fall 1992) (16) |
Series 016 |
Basic Catholic Morality II (Spring 1993) (20) |
Series 017 |
The Greatness of Veritatis Splendor (Spring 1994) (17) |
Series 018 |
Our Call to Holiness Mens Retreat (28) |
Series 019 |
Acts of the Apostles Class (Spring 1995) (20) |
Series 020 |
Out the Gospel of Life (Fall 1995) - Pope John Paul II Encyclical
Letter (3-25-95) Evangelium Vitae (18) |
Series 021 |
Papal Authority On Trial In The Modern World (Fall 1996) (19) |
Series 022 |
Angels and Demons (Spring 1996) (18) |
Series 023 |
Catholic Morality and Homosexuality (1997) (16) |
Series 024 |
Lay Men's Holy Spirit Retreat (1998) (20) |
Series 025 |
Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Retreat for Men (7-15-98 to 7-18-98) (30) |
Series 026 |
Womens Retreat (July 1998) (18) |
Series 027 |
Religions of the World (Spring Semester 1998) (20) |
Series 028 |
Women in Christianity (Fall 1998) (8) |
Series 029 |
Prayer Retreat for Men (5-599 to 5-9-99) (28) |
Series 030 |
Spiritual Guidance - Retreat for Women (July 1999) (17) |
Series 031 |
Mens Retreat (May 1997) (27) |
Series 032 |
Lay Womens Retreat of Faith (September 1992) (29) |
Series 033 |
Ten Commandments and Christian Sanctity - Mens Retreat (May 1993) (20) |
Series 034 |
The Creed of the Catechism of the Catholic Church - Mens Retreat (May 1994) (26) |
Series 035 |
The Teaching of Vatican II on the Lay Apostolate - Mens Retreat (May 1996) (26) |
Series 036 |
The Lay Apostolate: Re-Converting America to Christ (Spring 1996) (18) |
Series 037 |
The New Catholic Catechism (Fall 1994) (18) |
Series 038 |
American Protestantism Today (Fall 1995) (18) |
Series 039 |
Christ Our Life (December 1985) (29) |
Series 040 |
Retreat for the Norbetines (California, circa 1991) (30) |
Series 041 |
Individual Tapes on Life from Eternal Life (9) |
Series 042 |
Retreat: The Spirituality of Pope John Paul II (December 1979) (12) |
Series 043 |
Laywomen's Retreat - Marytown, IL (July 10-13, 1980) (16) |
Series 044 |
Redemptoris Hominis (#007 - #010) (10) |
Series 045 |
The Catholic Education Resource Center (Canada) (30) |
Series 046 |
Two Homily Series (16) |
Series 047 |
Homilies (20) |
Series 048 |
Ignatian Retreat (July 1974) (36) |
Series 049 |
Ignatian Retreat (August 1975) (30) |
Series 050 |
Sermons & Conferences (February 2, 1993 March 8, 1993) (12) |
Series 051 |
Sermons & Conferences (January 31, 1993 May 26, 1993) (18) |
Series 052 |
Sermons & Conferences (August 4, 1993 October 6, 1993) (17) |
Series 053 |
Sermons & Conferences (October 12, 1993 March 15, 1994) (16) |
Series 054 |
Sermons & Conferences (March 16, 1994 October 8, 1994) (15) |
Series 055 |
Sermons & Conferences (January 13, 1990 October 15, 1995) (19) |
Series 056 |
Sermons (1990 1995) (18) |
Series 057 |
Sermons (17) |
Series 058 |
Sermons (17) |
Series 059 |
Sermons (16) |
Series 060 |
Sermons (15) |
Series 061 |
Sermons (15) |
Series 062 |
Sermons (17) |
Series 063 |
Sermons (16) |
Series 064 |
Sermons (19) |
Series 065 |
Eucharistic Catechetics (15) |
Series 066 |
Eucharistic Catechetics (16) |
Series 067 |
Eucharistic Catechetics (16) |
Series 068 |
Advanced Catechetical Course Answers (16) |
Series 069 |
Advanced Catechetical Course Answers (15) |
Series 070 |
Advanced Catechetical Course Answers (11) |
Series 071 |
Advanced Catechetical Course Answers (9) |
Series 072 |
Advanced Catechetical Course Answers (9) |
Series 073 |
Advanced Catechetical Course Answers / Masters of the Spiritual Life Course Answers (8) |
Series 074 |
Advanced Catechetical Course Answers / Masters of the Spiritual Life Course Answers (8) |
Series 075 |
Masters of the Spiritual Life Course Answers (9) |
Series 076 |
Sermons and Conferences (11) |
Series 077 |
Sermons and Conferences (7) |
Series 078 |
Sermons and Conferences (8) |
Series 079 |
Sermons and Conferences (7) |
Series 080 |
Sermons and Conferences (10) |
Series 081 |
Sermons and Conferences (7) |
Series 082 |
Sermons and Conferences (8) |
Series 083 |
Sermons and Conferences (11) |
Series 084 |
A History of the Church to 1500 A.D. - Theology for the Laity Series (Spring 1994) (19) |
Series 085 |
Church History: 1517 to the Present - Theology for the Laity Series (Fall 1994) (19) |
Series 086 |
Consortium and Days of Recollection (58) |
Series 087 |
The Sacraments and the Marian Catechist (24) |
Series 088 |
Truth Crusade Series Volume II (16) |
Series 089 |
Truth Crusade Series Volume III (16) |
Series 090 |
Catholic Catechism and the Sacraments - Part 2 (Spring 1995) (20) |
Series 091 |
Special Spiritual Conferences (December, 1974) (18) |
Series 092 |
Ignatian Retreat (November 1974) (34) |
Series 093 |
Oriental Religions (July 1967) (20) |
Series 094 |
Scriptural Retreat (November 1978) (32) |
Series 095 |
The Bible in Our Spiritual Life Retreat (December 19-27, 1984) (33) |
Series 096 |
Profession of the Roman Catholic Faith (24) |
Series 097 |
The Lay Apostolate Retreat (Bellarmine Hall, July 1996) (15) |
Series 098 |
Spirituality Retreat (December 1986) (33) |
Series 099 |
Ignatian Retreats - Sacrifice and Love (July 1976) (20) |
Series 100 |
Principles & Practices of Formation in the Religious Life - Vocation Formation Series Part I (40) |
Series 101 |
Principles & Practices of Formation in the Religious Life - Vocation Formation Series Part II (36) |
Series 102 |
Principles & Practices of Formation in the Religious Life - Vocation Formation Series Part III (20) |
Series 103 |
Principles & Practices of Formation in the Religious Life - Vocation Formation Series Part IV (20) |
Series 104 |
The History of Religious Life Up To Vatican II (1978-1979) (48) |
Series 105 |
Formation Tapes (12) |
Series 106 |
Religion Class for Children (6) |
Series 107 |
Retreat on the Divine Attributes (December 1988 January 1989) (33) |
Series 108 |
Haiti Missionaires of Charity (6) |
Series 109 |
Classes at the Missionary of Charity, Calcutta (November 7-15, 1997) (85) |
Series 110 |
Classes at the Missionary of Charity, Calcutta (Tertian) (December 3-5, 1997) (29) |
Series 111 |
Classes at the Missionary of Charity, Calcutta (November 21-24, 1997) (56) |
Series 112 |
Classes at the Missionary of Charity, Calcutta (November 25-27, 1997) (70) |
Series 113 |
Classes at the Missionary of Charity, Calcutta (November 28-December 1, 1997) (67) |
Series 114 |
Classes at the Missionary of Charity, Calcutta (December 2-5, 1997) (48) |
Series 115 |
Religious Life Conferences (September 1964) Part 1 of 2 (27) |
Series 116 |
Religious Life Conferences (September 1964) Part 2 of 2 (15) |
Series 117 |
Religious Life Conferences (14) |
Series 123 |
A Eucharistic Retreat (December 1991) (32) |
Series 124 |
Retreat on Divine Grace (December 1990) (36) |
Series 125 |
A Marian Retreat (December 1989) (24) |
Series 126 |
Conferences on Great Marian Writers (January 1990) (7) |
Series 127 |
Retreat on the Priesthood (December 1977) (10) |
Series 128 |
Retreat on the Credo (December 1980) (18) |
Series 129 |
Conferences on Saints and Other Subjects (August 3 - September 5, 1982) (52) |
Series 130 |
Conferences to the Handmaids of the Precious Blood (July - October 1977) (7) |
Series 131 |
Conferences to the Handmaids of the Precious Blood (August 1981) (18) |
Series 132 |
Retreat: The Essentials of the Religious Life (December 1983) (25) |
Series 133 |
Retreat: Retreat on Prophet for the Priesthood (December 1987) (23) |
Series 134 |
Conferences: Saints and Sanctity (December 25, 1995 - January 3, 1996) (28) |
Series 135 |
Conferences: Catechism on Consecrated Life (July 1997) (23) |
Series 136 |
Conferences: The Religious Life (December 22, 1997 - December 31, 1997) (27) |
Series 137 |
Conferences: The Church (December 25, 1994 - January 8, 1995) (33) |
Series 138 |
Conferences: Morality and Human Freedom (December 29, 1993 - January 2, 1994) (9) |
Series 139 |
Conferences: The Ten Commandments and Sanctity (December 22, 1992 - January 2, 1993) (26) |
Series 140 |
Conferences: The Eucharist (December 23, 1991 - January 3, 1992) (26) |
Series 141 |
Conferences: Divine Grace (December 22, 1990 - January 5, 1991) (28) |
Series 142 |
Lectures by Fr. Hardon (6) |
Series 143 |
Conferences: Fr. Gerald and HPB Life )September 20, 1998 - September 26, 1998) (14) |
Series 144 |
Conferences: Great Marian Writers (January 4, 1989 - January 7, 1989) (7) |
Series 145 |
Conferences: Our Lady of the Rosary (December 25, 1989 - January 1, 1990) (20) |
Series 146 |
Conferences: The Divine Attributes (December 17, 1988 - December 28, 1988) (27) |
Series 147 |
Conferences: Prophet for the Priesthood (December 22, 1987 - December 30, 1987) (23) |
Series 148 |
Conferences: Biblical Spirituality (December 22, 1986 - January 1, 1987) (22) |
Series 149 |
Homilies (1) |
Series 150 |
Men's Retreat on Prayer - Chicago (May 19, 1999) (10) |
Series 151 |
IRL Classes on The New Catholic Catechism - The Creed (1994) (9) |
Series 152 |
Men's Retreat - The Apostles' Creed (13) |
Series 153 |
IRL Classes on Theology of the Sacraments (1992) (10) |
Series 154 |
Men's Retreat (May 10, 2000 - May 14, 2000) (13) |
Series 155 |
Women's Retreat (July, 1997) (10) |
Series 156 |
Women's Retreat (2000) (4) |
Series 157 |
Women's Retreat (1999) (5) |
Series 158 |
Men's Retreat (July, 1998) (13) |
Series 159 |
Catholic Truth Society (7) |
Series 160 |
Conference on the Family (8) |
Series 161 |
Women's Retreat (July 1992) (9) |
Series 162 |
Men's Retreat (May 1992) (13) |
Series 163 |
Ignatian Retreat - Chicago (May 8-11, 1991) (13) |
Series 164 |
Understanding the Bible (1993) (8) |
Series 165 |
The Sacrament of Matrimony (1993) (9) |
Series 166 |
Miscellaneous Conference Lessons (7) |
Series 167 |
Miscellaneous Talks (17) |
Series 168 |
Theology for the Laity - The Sacraments (September 13, 1980 - April 11, 1981) (55) |
Series 169 |
Protestantism and Catholicism (June 6, 1964 - July 23, 1964) (38) |
Series 170 |
Women's Retreats (1980) (5) |
Series 171 |
Miscellaneous Talks (1971) (7) |
Series 172 |
Q & A and Vocations (1971) (7) |
Series 173 |
Workshops (November 15, 1971 - December 6, 1971) (20) |
Series 174 |
IRL Classes - Church History - Reformation to the Present (October 16, 1994 - December 10, 1994) (9) |