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Teacher Guide
Lesson Plans for Teaching the Children's Eucharistic Crusade

Fr. Louis Guardiola, C.P.M.

Lesson 1: The Introduction

Begin with the manual's conclusion by citing the history of The Eucharistic Crusade, showing it's support and approval by several Popes.

Give a brief preview of the four sections of the manual and their connection to each other. The beginning sentences of each section will guide the instructor in doing so.

Give a brief definition of the four watch words of The Eucharistic Crusade: Pray-Receive Communion-Sacrifice-Save souls. One may consult Catholic dictionaries on each word to do this. The instructor can also draw out the relationship between the four watch words.

Explain the aims and concept of the Eucharistic Crusader. Have the students envision themselves as Eucharistic soldiers of Christ.

Lesson 2: Section One: Eucharistic Education: Why is Eucharistic Education Necessary?

Explain the “why” that is the “purpose” of Eucharistic Education and it's relationship to the other three sections of the manual: To further Eucharistic Adoration that in turn brings about Eucharistic Communion with Jesus that in turn enables one to be a Eucharistic Apostle and crusader.

Explain as set out in the manual, the uniqueness of Eucharistic education as an education both in knowledge and love of a Divine person, the God-man Jesus Christ.

Explain as set out in the manual, how Eucharistic education leads to Eucharistic adoration.

Lesson 3: What is the Eucharist?

Here we move from the purpose, the “why” to the “what” the essence or definition of the Holy Eucharist. One may anticipate the next lesson or even combine the next several lessons by having a chart with the What, the Why and the Who of the Eucharist. One may have the children memorize the definition of the Holy Eucharist as given in the manual and key on certain elements of the definition. For example. What is the Sacred Humanity of Jesus? Does Our Lord possess a real human nature?

Lesson 4: Who is the Eucharist?

The “who” of the Eucharist addresses it's identity. The second Divine Person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ, really and substantially and wholly present in the Holy Eucharist. It is through the second Divine Person that the entire Holy Trinity is entirely and wholly present to us in the Holy Eucharist.

Stress and perhaps have the students memorize the three ways Jesus is really present to us in the Holy Eucharist.

Stress how the Holy Eucharist enables us to do what is humanly impossible but supernaturally possible with God's Eucharistic grace.

Emphasize as given in the manual how the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith.

Lesson 5: What is the Essence of the Faith?

Given the above definitions of the Holy Eucharist, we now delve into the heart of the Holy Eucharist, the sacred self-sacrificial love of the Sacred Heart of the Sacred Humanity of Christ.

Note well: Explain the relationship between Holy Thursday and Good Friday as given in the manual.

Lesson 6: The Holy Eucharist as Sacrament

Have the students memorize the definition of a sacrament.

Break down each element of this definition, even in chart form.

Apply each element of this definition to the Eucharist as a true sacrament.

Key in on the words of Consecration of both the Body and Blood of Christ.

Especially key on the the meaning of “this” and “is” of the words of Consecration.

Emphasize why we believe in Jesus' own testimony of His Real Eucharistic Presence.

Lesson 7: The Holy Eucharist as the Primary Sacrament of Sacraments

The Holy Eucharist is such as containing the Divinely personal source of all grace, Jesus Christ.

Emphasize and perhaps have the students memorize that we believe this and everything Jesus tell us because as God He is all Good, and as all Good He cannot lie to deceive us and as all Knowing, cannot Himself be confused or deceived in anything He teaches for us to believe and live by.

Also emphasize that when the Church teaches, God also teaches through His Church. One may cite Matthew 28: 19-20, Matthew 16:18, John 21 and any other texts on Church authority, especially as given by Christ Himself.

Lesson 8: The Holy Eucharist as Sacrifice-Sacrament

Lesson eight begins a very crucial series of lessons on the three dimensions of the Holy Eucharist as Sacrifice, Communion and Real Presence sacrament.

Emphasize to the students that one cannot have a complete understanding of the Holy Eucharist unless they understand it in her three dimensions.

This three dimensional understanding of the Holy Eucharist reflects it's authentic theological development since Vatican II.

One may want to consult Pope Paul VI's encyclical (1965) Mysterium Fidei and Pope St. John Paul II's encyclical Dominicae Cenae (1980) in which these three Eucharistic dimensions were developed. Fr. John Hardon's booklet Catechism on the Real Presence, published by Eternal Life, Bardstown, Kentucky, gives a concise question and answer approach to these two encyclicals for the Catechist.

It is important to emphasize these three dimensions of the Eucharist as too many Catholics in the past were confused whether the Holy Eucharist was a Sacrifice, Communion or Real Presence sacrament. It is all three. Too many Catholics of the past did not understand the Mass as a sacrificial oblation that culminated in the sacrificial banquet of Holy Communion. Many Catholics did not understand the proper relationship between the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as the once bloody, now unbloody oblation of the Cross and Calvary, and Holy Communion as it's sacrificial fruit to be received by the faithful.

Explain the two dimensions of a true sacrifice as given in the manual and put it on a board to memorize it.

Explain as per the manual the two simultaneous dimensions of the Sacrifice of the Last Supper as it continues today: both in time and eternity, as man and God.

Go over carefully paragraph by paragraph, line by line, how the Sacrifice of the Last Supper is present to us today as given both in the manual and the C.C.C.

Draw a parallel between the continuing presence of the Jewish Passover and the Catholic Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as given in the manual.

Explain as given in the manual what the Council of Trent said about why Jesus gave us a visible sacrifice of the Mass and Holy Eucharist until the end of time (I Cor 10).

If one needs to break up lesson eight or any other lesson into several parts, do so, no hurry.

Lesson 9: The Holy Eucharist as Communion-Sacrament

Remind the student that this is the second dimension of the three dimensions of the Holy Eucharist.

Memorize, if not done already, the three Eucharistic dimensions.

Explain what communion means, “to become one with.”

Explain after giving the definition of communion, what Holy Communion is both personally and with the Church as per the manual.

Explain the personal and moral aspect of Holy Communion as per the manual. Quote C.C.C. 1391-2 and 1396.

Lesson 10: The Holy Eucharist as Real Presence Sacrament

This is the third dimension of the Holy Eucharist.

Explain how Jesus IS present as per the manual.

Explain WHEN Jesus becomes present. At the words of consecration.

Explain the divine effect of the divine words of consecration, transubstantiation, and what the words of consecration mean as per the manual.

Mention when the word “transubstantiation” was coined. At the Council of Trent (1545-1563). One may want to give a brief summary of the Council of Trent.

Mention St. Ambrose' analogy as per the manual.

Lesson 11: Part Two: Eucharistic Adoration: It's Relationship to and Foundation in Eucharistic Education

Explain this relationship between Eucharistic Education and Adoration as per the manual.

Explain why saintly priests spend one hour before the Blessed Sacrament.

Explain what Eucharistic Adoration is.

Explain why Eucharistic Adoration has an inner educative aspect as per the manual.

Explain what adoration is and what it means in Latin as per the manual.

Lesson 12: What is Eucharistic Adoration?

One might want to consult some sources on the History of Adoration. There are several.

Explain and analyze St. John Paul II's statement on the importance of Eucharistic Adoration.

Explain and analyze Fr. John Hardon's and Mother Theresa's statements on adoration.

Explain what the Eucharistic Adoration hour is as per the manual.

Explain the four A.C.T.S. Of the Eucharistic hour. Refer to Fr. Louis Guardiola's pamphlet THE ESSENCE OF ADORATION, by Eternal Life in Bardstown Kentucky and other sources like Fr. Hardon.

Lesson 13: Why is Eucharistic Adoration so Important?

Explain why adoration is so important as per the manual.

Explain how we fight the “ocean of immorality” with Eucharistic Adoration as explained in the manual.

Explain and analyze the world's transformation through our own personal Eucharistic transformation gained through many hours of adoration both from the manual and your own personal experience.

Explain Fr. Hardon's statement about recovering the zeal, spirit, strength and courage of the first century Christians.

Explain how as set out in the manual, Eucharistic Adoration enables us to do this.

Explain Fr. Hardon's statement that Christ is the miracle-worker in the Eucharist and the need for Eucharistic education today.

Explain Mother Theresa's statement on the importance of Eucharistic Adoration.

Lesson 14: The Relationship of Eucharistic Adoration to Our Mass Participation

It is very important to show that there is a mutually enhancing relationship between Eucharistic Adoration and mass participation.

Why? Because too many persons do not see, understand or misunderstand this interrelationship.

Explain and analyze why Eucharistic Adoration is the “Continuation of the continuation and the perpetuation of the perpetuation” of our growth in holiness begun at Mass.

Lesson 15: What are the Different Kinds of Adoration?

As per lesson fourteen, it is very important to carefully explain the difference between the two forms of adoration due to the great confusion about the two.

Explain it as the difference between talking a person on the phone and the same person in person. To talk to someone in person is a much more direct, intimate and comprehensive form of communication.

Explain why Eucharistic Adoration is angelic and cite sources from the Book of Revelation where the angels and saints are depicted as worshiping before the heavenly throne (Rev. 4: 8-11, 5: 6-14, 7: 9-12, 8: 3-4, especially 15: 2-8, 19: 1-8).

Explain and analyze why in an hour, even a few minutes of Adoration we “go in like a lion and out like a lamb” as per the manual.

Explain how through the person who adores, how the whole Church benefits.

Explain and analyze what will happen if the entire Church membership (1.2 billion) become Eucharistic Adorers. Follow up by impressing how important it is for this to become a reality. For a fully active and employed Eucharistic army of adorers.

Lesson 16: How to Promote Eucharistic Adoration

Explain the several ways as given in the manual. Cite your own personal testimony in doing so.

Explain the power and influence of our reverential example as given in the example of the French priest about two hundred years ago.

Explain and demonstrate with a student, the various postures of Eucharistic reverence: prostration, kneeling, deep bow from the waist, etc.

Explain and define reverence itself. Consult with various Catholic dictionaries like Fr. Hardon's, the C.C.C. or other sources.

Lesson 17: Encouraging Eucharistic Adoration through Committees and Associations

This is kind of a “FUN” lesson. Look at parish bulletins or directories and see what committees or persons would be most likely to make along-lasting commitment to adoration and even become one of the Adoration committees officers.

Lesson 18: Summation of Part Two

Review what St. Pope Paul, Fr. John Hardon, and Mother Theresa said earlier about the importance of Eucharistic Adoration.

Then stress the great holiness of these Church figures of the late twentieth, early 21st century and the great weight, urgency and frequency of adoration given the testimony of such great saints and giants of the Church.

One may want to give a brief autobiography of each in order to give the students a better perspective.

Lesson 19: Part III: Eucharistic Communion: What is Eucharistic Communion?

This third section of the manual regards the effect that sound Eucharistic education and Eucharistic Adoration has on the devout adorer.

Explain the relationship between faith and prayer, Lex Orandi et Lex Credendi, that bring about a closer friendship, oneness with the God-Man Jesus Christ.

Unity in faith and prayer, in the Eucharistic mind and will of the Eucharistic adorer are the causes that bring about the effect of Eucharistic oneness, communion, with Jesus Christ: The total oneness of faith, mind, will Body, Blood, soul imagination, memory, moral action, Eucharistic evangelization and witness of our divine-like human nature with the Divine Person of Jesus Christ, true God and true man.

Holy Communion is the Eucharistic Divinization of our human nature in order to reach our full divine-like potential.

Eucharistic Communion as one of the three dimensions of the Eucharist as mentioned before, is the personal, unitive and moral dimension of the Holy Eucharist.

Holy Communion is therefore, the indispensable per-condition for effective Eucharistic apostolate which is simply Eucharistic evangelization.

It is said that one cannot give what they do not have. In Eucharistic terms this means that one must first be AFFECTED by Eucharistic Education that promotes Eucharistic knowledge and love before we can EFFECTIVELY evangelize it. What is effective Eucharistic evangelization? It is to evangelize in an convincing, compelling, sincere fashion.

Evangelization means “good messenger” or “good angel.” We must be “good messengers” who lives a good angelic life of Eucharistic purity in order to compellingly and convincingly evangelize the “good message” of the Holy Eucharist, God on earth in our midst!

All the above has to be deeply impressed into the minds and souls of our students as per our manual. All the above observations are contained in the first question of Part III.

The Educator must stress the most personal, intimate relationship we have with God in receiving Him in Holy Communion as the Protestants often challenge us with the question, “Do we have a personal relationship with God?” To which we can joyfully proclaim, “Yes we have the most personal intimate relationship we can have with the God-Man Himself for in Holy Communion God comes into us, which is the most personal and intimate communion or oneness any human person can have with God on earth.”

Lesson 20: What is Eucharistic Identification?

In this lesson we further and fully develop the theological, sacramental, liturgical personal, ecclesiastical (church) and evangelical implications of our Holy Communion of total oneness with the God-Man Jesus Christ when we receive Him at Mass, free of mortal sin of course.

Eucharistic IDENTIFICATION is total Eucharistic TRANSFORMATION.

What is this total Eucharistic transformation that is the holy effect of Eucharistic identification.?

It is when we fully reflect in our thoughts,words, attitudes and actions the self-sacrificial love that is the highest form of Divine love, of the supernatural virtue of Charity.

This total Eucharistic transformation is our total Eucharistic identification with the self-sacrificial love of Jesus Christ, the God- Man on the Cross gained by our hours of Eucharistic study and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Lesson 21: How Does Eucharistic Communion Gained through Eucharistic Adoration Unite and Strengthen the Mystical Body of Christ?

Lesson twenty-one moves from the personal effects of Holy Communion, identification and transformation to it's extension and influence through us into the entire Mystical Body and army of Christ.

Go over line by line very carefully St. John Eudes magnificent testimony of how in accord with St. Paul's doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ (I Corinthians, Ephesians, Colossians, etc.) how each member and how through each member, the unity and communion of the entire Mystical Body of Christ is greatly strengthened and made effective.

One may look into the St. Paul's scriptural passages on the Body and Headship (Colossians) of the the Church in Christ. Then one may proceed to study the Doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ as set out in the papal encyclical of Pope Pius XII, MYSTICI CORPORIS.

Lesson 22: How Does Eucharstic Communion and Identification Gained through Adoration Promote Family Harmony?

Lesson twenty-two is a further development of lesson eighteen. In lesson nineteen we moved from the personal effect and reality of Eucharistic transformation and identification, gained through Eucharistic education and adoration to it's effect on the entire Church, The Mystical Body of Christ.

Now in lesson twenty-two we move to it's trans formative effect on the family. However let us be clear by what we mean by “family.” The Church understanding of family is a “communion of persons.” This “communion of persons” is understood by the Church in a very broad sense. The first, eternal and original family is the communion of the three Divine Persons in one God, the Holy Trinity. This is the perfect family, the perfect model of what all families should be: The perfect familial bonds of faith, hope, charity (Divine love) mind, being etc.

This perfect familial oneness of persons extends outside of the Divine Trinitarian family into creation.

First, the Roman Catholic Church family of the Mystical Body of Christ in all it's fullness.

Second, the family of nations the entire human race.

Third, our own family circle: Mother, Father, children, grand children, extended family.

What is the greatest communion of persons? When does this happen? In the great “communion of prayer” of the Church family at the Holy Sacrifice and prayerful communion of the Mass and in it's continuation and perpetuation in Eucharistic adoration.

Lesson 23: What is the Relationship Between the Holy Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration?

In a very famous vision of St. John Bosco who saw the pope sailing through the turbulent waters of the world as seated in the Ark of the Covenant, the Roman Catholic Church, it was revealed to him in this vision that the pillars of grace and protection for the Church in the extreme disorder and persecution of these latter times would be the Holy Rosary and The Eucharist.

One may want to go over fully with the class this vision of John Bosco.

One may also want to go over St. John Paul II's encyclical on the Rosary, Rosarium Virginis Mariae.

The highest and central act of worship and prayer is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The power and efficacy of all other prayer whether it be Eucharistic Adoration and the Holy Rosary, derive it's power and efficacy from the Mass.

However it is important to note that one form of prayer does not conflict with another provided that they are all derived from the Holy Liturgy as per Vatican II's teaching and the C.C.C. on what are true devotions. Indeed, in this light Eucharistic Adoration and the Holy Rosary are complimentary as grounded and originated in the Liturgy, the Mass. This is a very important distinction as there is much confusion and error on this point.

Yet how does one pray the Rosary during adoration? Reference the manual and Fr. Louis Guardiola's booklet, The Eucharistic Adoration Rosary, published by Eternal Life, Bardstown, Kentucky for guidance.

Lesson 24: The Healing Effects of Holy Communion

This lesson strives not only to develop another dimension of the Holy Eucharist, it's healing effect, but in doing so, addresses and grounds authentic Catholic healing and renewal ministry in the sacrament of the holy Eucharist Again, this addresses much of the confusion and error about what is authentic Catholic healing and renewal. If such renewal is not grounded in the Holy Eucharist, it is not grounded in Christ and it is simply not Catholic.

Stress especially how Chris is present in His human nature in the Holy Eucharist.

Then stress how Our Lord's human nature is ONLY present on earthy in His human nature in the consecrated Eucharistic species.

Then move to it's proper conclusion, that since Jesus on earth performed His miracles of healing through His human nature, Jesus the miracle-worker is present to us today, now, in His human nature in the Holy Eucharist, as only found in Catholic churches and adoration chapels.

Emphasize the one condition for these miracles, faith. Persevering humble faith, as seen for example, in the Syro-Phoenician woman of the Gospels.

Stress what Jesus Himself said about prayer in Holy Scripture as per the manual.

Lesson 25: How Does the Holy Eucharist Deliver Us from Evil

Lesson twenty-five develops further the authentic Catholic Eucharistic ally based healing and renewal. For this is grounded in Christ, His Priesthood, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the seven sacraments, the Holy Rosary, prayer in general, etc.

Develop the various forms of evil Eucharistic Adoration delivers us from as per the manual: Personal, social, Church, societal.

Lesson 26: Summation of Part III

We summarize each section of the manual in order to synthesize and get a concise perspective on each part of the manual. This follows the procedure of each section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Holy Communion is of it's essence a Sacred Heart to human heart intercommunication and communication of oneness between God and Man, creator and creature.

The summation gives four reasons why we should achieve this Eucharistic oneness.

  1. First, to give pleasure to Jesus.

  2. Second, to feed on Jesus.

  3. Third, to become good crusaders.

  4. Fourth, to save souls.

Emphasize that summed up in all four of these reasons is the entire foundation of the Children's Eucharistic Crusade Manual:

Eucharistic education:

  • for the purpose of: Eucharistic Adoration

  • for the purpose of: Eucharistic communion, transformation and identity

  • for the purpose of: Eucharistic apostolate and crusade.

Lesson 27: Part IV: The Eucharistic Apostolate: What is the Eucharistic Apostolate?

Now we come to the fourth and final part of the manual. The climax to which we have been building up, the call to Eucharistic apostolic action.

Given the sorry even non-existent state of Catholic Education, we begin by explaining what it means to be first an “Apostle”, secondly what is Eucharistic apostolic action, and thirdly what is an Eucharistic crusade and soldier.

Underscoring all this is is the reality of being on earth a member of the “Church Militant”, the Church army marching through time, flying the Eucharistic banner of Jesus Christ.

One may want to explain what “the Church Militant”, “the Church Suffering”, and the “Church Triumphant are.

Impress on the student that at baptism we all become members of this Eucharistic army. One may want to go to the Catechism and give an instruction on Baptism and what it makes us, Children of God, with the right to heaven, having the in-dwelling presence of the entire Holy Trinity in us, Sanctifying Grace, with the right to receive the other six sacraments

Lesson 28: Why is Eucharistic Adoration and the Eucharistic Apostolage so Vitally Important Today?

Because it is the only solution, the Divine Solution, given the decidedly unchristian persecution and cosmic evil of today.

One may give an in-depth instance of this cosmic evil: Errors about Jesus, who He is, militant Islamic persecution of Christians, sexual licentiousness in all it's forms: contraception, abortion, co-habitation whether it be homo or heterosexual, assault on religious freedom. Give specific instances like the H.H.S. Mandate.

Stress that there can be no compromise between this culture of satanic death and error and the culture of Eternal Life and Divine truth that saves.

Lesson 29: How the World's Transformation Begins During the Eucharistic Consecration in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Here we develop how the Divine solution, the re-Christianization, re-evangelization and re-energizing of the world begins at Mass.

We develop this by showing how from the altar the Divine transformation that is the Divine Eucharistic transubstantiation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ does not end on the altar.

Instead, it continues in the Catholic faithful who receiving the Holy Eucharist in a state of grace, free from mortal sin, become themselves Divinely transformed, transubstantiated and transfigured.

Then through our personal Eucharistic transformation, transubstantiation and transfiguration in which we become radiant Eucharistic monstrances, the entire world becomes Eucharistic ally transformed, transubstantiated and transfigured.

Emphasize as per the manual that this personal and cosmic transubstantiation and transfiguration IS THE EUCHARISTIC CRUSADE! To conquer the world with the self-sacrificial Eucharistic love of Jesus Christ on the Cross. No greater love is there than this, that the God-Man lay down His life for His friends. Friendship with God, that is likeness to the point of identity, is achieved only through Eucharistic education and Adoration All this for the purpose of becoming a Eucharistic Crusader, a soldier of God's Eucharistic army, to conquer the world for Christ.

Lesson 30: Eucharistic Apostolic Crusade Summation

Develop as per the manual, the apostolic, sacrificial and missionary aspect of every part of the Mass.

Instill in the student-crusader that consciousness that all acts of the apostolate, crusade, adoration, indeed everyone of our actions is grounded in and derives it's power and grace from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Instill in the Eucharistic crusader the love of both Jesus our leader and of His Scared Heart.

One may want to devote a lesson on the Sacred Heart devotion.

Lesson 31: The Role of the Blessed Mother in the Eucharistic Crusade: mary Mother of Crusaders

Earlier in the manual we spoke of the Church as a family, a communion of persons, a communion of believers, a communion of adorers, a communion of prayers, a communion of worshipers in imitation of the original, eternal, Divine family, the Holy Trinity.

Now we develop this further by speaking of the Blessed Mother of our Church family, the Mystical Body and Family of Christ.

We develop Our Lady as Mother of the Holy Eucharist because She is the Mother of the God-Man, Jesus Christ who is the Holy Eucharist.

To be Mother of the God-Man Jesus Christ and Mother of the Eucharist is one and the same. Our Lady was the first Eucharistic tabernacle as containing for nine months in Her Blessed womb, the Body, Blood, soul, Divinity, Sacred Humanity and the second Divine Person, of the Most Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ.

Therefore impress on the student-crusader that one cannot speak of the Blessed Sacrament without speaking of the Blessed Mother, Mother of God, Mother of the Eucharist, Mother of the Church, Mother of our Salvation.

Therefore, we can speak of Our Lady as Queen and Models of Eucharistic Crusaders, as the “Preeminent model of faith” and that the Marian dimension of the faith preceded the Petrine, the Apostolic dimension of the faith.

Lesson 32: Obedience to Pope

This is a very important lesson as too many who profess to be Catholic, to believe in the Real Eucharistic Presence, and have even a great devotion to Our Lady, do not profess obedience to the Vicar of Christ, appointed by Christ Himself, Jesus Christ in Matthew 16: 18 (One may want to go over this Gospel text and other Gospel texts on Papal authority).

Our Papal slogan develops the linkage that to obey the Pope is to obey Christ who appointed Him first through St. Peter and all other subsequent Popes, with supreme governing authority (Magisterial).

One may want to take each line of the slogan and develop it in conjunction with the study of the relevant scripture and Catechism on Papal authority,

Finally, we make the linkage in our Crusader pledge between the Militant Church of Christ the King, with Our Lady as Queen, the Pope as our earthly Commander-In Chief.

We offer these pledges in order to raise to the consciousness of the Eucharistic Crusader that we are not alone in this crusade.

Our Lord, Our Lady, Our Holy Father, all the Saints, all the angels, the entire Church Militant, Suffering and Triumphant marches with us! How can we lose with this heavenly army!

Lesson 33: What are some Practical Ways a Crusader can Exercise His (or Her) Eucharistic Apostolate?

One need not limit oneself to only the ways given in the manual. Use our creativity and spontaneity in doing so. Seize the moment! Carpe Diem! This is often the best way. But remember the old saying: Success is won when opportunity meets preparation. The Children's Eucharistic Crusade Manual is the preparation that enables us to seize the opportunity God gives us for successful Eucharistic evangelization and conversion.

Lesson 34: History of the Eucharistic Crusdade and Epilogue

Even if one did go over the crusade history earlier, it is good to refresh ourselves.

Now, however, with the formation done, one may want to put the crusade history in it's fullest historical context.

The Eucharistic Crusade was born during the First World War, whose 100th anniversary coincides with the writing of her 21st century version.

The devastating effects of the First World War on Europe, Christianity and morality continue today.

We have coming in the next few years other significant 100th anniversaries: Fatima and the rise of Russian Communism and the 500th anniversary of the Protestant revolt all in the same year, so devastating to faith in the Eucharistic Lord, evangelization and Papal authority.

All these occurring in 2017!

These convergence of anniversaries should underscore the urgency of our Eucharistic Crusade not only by children, but of teens, adults, laity, members of religious orders, priests, bishops, cardinals, Popes and Catholic religious educators.

Emphasize and give this historical consciousness to our Eucharistic Crusaders that we are living in a very critical and special time and juncture in history.

Now is the time not to be paralyzed by fear, but to be energized into great Eucharistic Crusader apostolic activity!

Why? Because of what St. Paul said in his epistles, “where sin abounds, grace even more abounds.”

This means that the greater sin and disorder there are in society as today, the greater grace and opportunity there is for conversion and miracles of grace are offered to us by God.

Indeed, we have had not such an opportunity to be Eucharistic Crusaders and apostles and evangelists since the beginning of Christianity 20 centuries ago!

Now is the time, now is the place, now is the opportunity to become great, even the greatest Eucharistic saints, crusaders, apostles and soldiers of all time!.

Therefore we come to our Eucharistic Pledge that sums up our 21st century challenge and opportunity, with the Eucharistic power that will enable us to successfully seize it and seize the world for the Eucharistic Lord and set His Eucharistic standard in victory over all the world! The Eucharistic victory hat will be the full realization of the victory of the Cross pending for twenty centuries, the Crusader Cross and weapon of today, the Holy Eucharist!

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