Eva Payne held a Fr. John
A. Hardon, S. J. Day of Recollection and here is her explanation of why she
did it and how she did:
With the death of Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. on December 30,
2000, a great void was left for those who reaped the benefits of his guidance.
His spiritual gift of setting souls on fire with love for Our Lord would not
be replaced.
It was the desire to have Fr. Hardons continuing guidance
and the desire to share this great treasure with others that led us to consider
having a Fr. Hardon Day of Recollection.
It was clearly Gods Providence that the retreats were taped.
To quote Fr. Hardon, I sincerely believe the future in using social communications
would include what were calling a teleconference retreat. After all, the spirit
is independent of space and time. Ideas can be communicated not just across
space on earth, but can even penetrate the heavens. Thank you, Fr. Hardon!
There is an abundance of
Fr. Hardons talks available that he gave at Retreats and Days of Recollection.
After his death, Eva Payne had a Day of Recollection with Father Hardon. Father
Hardon was the spiritual director. The event was extraordinarily successful.
It was amazing to see the very warm personal contact people made with Father.
I had in the past made many retreats with Father and Evas Day of Recollection
left me spiritually in awe.
If you would like to put
together a Day of Recollection using Fr. Hardon as your spiritual director,
contact Eternal Life to get Fathers tapes or CD at 1-800-842-2871 or contact
them at www.lifeeternal.org
Fr. John A. Hardon, S. J. Day of Recollection
Job Descriptions
Person in charge initially
- Parish permission for a day of recollection preferably as a parish event. If not a parish event,
is there a cost?
- Secure dates for both Church and lunchroom
- Choose the Fr. John A. Hardon, S. J. tape / CD you plan to use. Try out the tapes/CD thoroughly. We used the Eternal Life Spiritual Exercises because the clarity was excellent.
- Secure the "assisting" priest. What is his fee?
I found it extremely helpful to have a notebook for lists
and to keep a log, and to set aside a spot for the notebook and any Day of Recollection
related materials (keys, fliers, booklets, etc.)
Other responsibilities of person in charge:
- Choose the tapes (2)
- Check parish luncheon facilities: Refrigerators (!), tables, chairs, coffee pot, filters, coffee, cream and sugar, number of serving utensils, napkins, cups, plastic silverware.
- Organist lined up we felt music was important and gave her lots of prelude requests (10-15 min. before Mass starts) besides hymns (Lenten or traditional) for Mass.
- Rosary meditations selected and timed
- Music chosen, copied, and given to organist
- Try out cordless microphone. We used this for leading opening prayers and for the rosary and rosary meditations so that they could be led from the first pew rather than from the altar.
- Volunteers found (listed later)
- Pick up / drop off keys
- Altar boys / sacristan to set up for Mass if necessary (especially to open the safe, key for the tabernacle)
- Double check to make sure, if necessary, that there is no conflict with church or lunchroom.
Day of:
- Open / lock: church, sacristy, lunchroom
- Set up sign in table: Binder, pens, booklets, boxes (2)
- Set up possible porters to bring the dishes to the lunchroom. For us this was important there are many stairs going up to the lunchroom, and it isn't the easiest to find.
- Place for luncheon dishes if "porters" are taking them to the lunchroom
- Stick to scheduled times
- Money, keys dropped off
- Thank you's written and sent, and payment for priest(s) and organist arranged
Optional Book sale
- Choosing books (selective and controlled)
- Ordering books
- Pricing on index cards
- Setup / pack up
- Volunteers to sell
- Tablecloths, plates (we used purple for Lent), pop, water, water bottles, juice, coffee, coffee filters, cream, sugar, handiwipes, dish soap
Before Day of Recollection:
Day of:
- Porters
- Rosary and meditations, opening prayers
- Any announcements at lunchtime specifically price, book sale, thank you, free will offering, suggestion box
- Sign in table -- give booklet, have attendees sign in
- Book sale table
Person on Paperwork
- Create and make copies of posters and fliers. We wanted them in color to get more attention. Kinko's cost would have been very high (!). We used our home ink jet printer, and it didn't use a fraction of the ink we thought it would require. We made hundreds of copies as we needed them.
- Booklets with schedule, opening prayers, hymns
- Sign-in binder made up (names and addresses) with pen(s).
- Any signs needed ("Please sign in", "Free will offering" for booklets and rosaries, etc.)
- Boxes made up free will offering box, suggestion box
Publicity Person
- Bulletin inserts. We started four weeks ahead.
- Week 1: Set aside the date, watch for upcoming information
- Week 2: Information coming, or give the information schedule, priest, etc.
- Week 3: Our flier on the cover of the bulletin
- Week 4: Day of Recollection insert
- Announcements at Mass
- Bulletin inserts, announcements, fliers, at:
- Neighboring parishes
- Catholic events (Cardinal Mindzenty Conference, etc.)
- Places where people know the assisting priest
- Diocesan newspaper
- Local newspaper
- Outside of Adoration Chapels
- Local Marian Catechist newsletter
- Possible Sign-Up Sunday
Set Up / Clean Up Person
- Lunchroom (day before): Tables and chairs, plastic tablecloths, plates, cups, and silverware, serving utensils, coffee pot washed
- Lunchroom (day of): Make coffee
- Immediately before lunch recruit help to get drinks and serving dishes out of refrigerators and set up. Have the assisting priest lead grace immediately after setup is finished.
- Announcements following especially if you want to announce free will offerings, suggestion box, thank you for coming, etc.
- Working with the tapes/CDs On/off, rewound and in proper position, know when to turn over, set of duplicates
- Need extra tables / chairs?
- Priests / organist lunch invitation / looked after
- Details are important (i.e. purple)
- Flier / poster
- Booklet (schedule, music, opening prayer)
- Meditations
- Sign in sheets
- Pricing for books