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Father John A. Hardon, S.J. Archives |
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New Challenges to Catholic Home EducationFr. John A. Hardon, S.J. Catholic parents are now being faced with new challenges to the home-schooling of their children. These challenges arise especially from four sources: the increased pressure from Planned Parenthood for sex education; the acknowledgement by many American bishops of the poor quality of religious instruction in catechetical programs; the mandating by many dioceses of stringent conditions for Catholic home instruction; and the growing pressure of homosexuals to impose their sodomistic philosophy on our country. The Sex Education CampaignEveryone familiar with contemporary history knows that the Planned Parenthood apparatus is behind sex education from infancy through childhood in every country of the modern world. However, it is only in recent years that Catholic educators have been seduced into introducing sex education into religious instruction. This is one of the grave reasons why so many Catholic parents have resorted to home-schooling. In response to the Holy Sees request to analyze one of the leading sex education programs widely used as part of catechetics, I concluded with the following judgment: This series is unsuitable for teaching or training in sexual morality. The main reason is that the premises on which the series is based are incompatible with Catholic doctrine on faith and morals. Wide familiarity with sex education under Catholic auspices enables me to make the same judgement about other programs in use in the United States. Parents have a right from God to provide such training in Christian chastity as their faith demands. They may not be coerced to compromise their religious principles. Serious Deficiencies in Catechetical MaterialsCatholic parents have known for years that the textbooks and pedagogical materials used in religious instruction in America are, to put it mildly, deficient in content and methodology. Parents realize that, unless they are freed from this albatross, their children will never learn the Catholic faith. It was heartening, therefore, when the American bishops committee to oversee the use of the Catechism of the Catholic Church listed no less than ten grave doctrinal deficiencies in the catechetical materials used in teaching Catholic children in our country. The following paragraphs are taken verbatim from the report of Archbishop Buechlein, who is chairman of the bishops catechetical committee. Quotations are the words of the chairman. Words without quotations are explanatory statements.
The foregoing are not merely deficiencies in catechetical instruction. They are a reflection of the widespread secularization that has pervaded the Catholic Church in America. Instead of reforming this situation, one diocesan catechetical establishment after another in our country has consciously promoted and is militantly defending the secularization of the true faith among the young in our nation. Diocesan Pressure on Catholic Home EducationA new phenomenon has entered the apostolate of Catholic home instruction. Many dioceses require approval of the text used by parents. Dioceses require immediate sacramental preparation classes for home educated children. Others again require parents to go through training programs to become catechists for their children. Parents are told they are to participate in the catechetical programs ordered by the catechetical establishment if they want their children to receive First Confession, First Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Confirmation. Overnight retreats are also demanded. One sample mandated directive requires the pastoral approval of any religious education sponsored by parents for their children. The same directive demands local DRE approval and supervision of both the program and the catechetical implementation of parental instruction of their children. Dioceses prescribe the precise curriculum from which parents may not deviate in teaching the faith to their children. In some dioceses there must be a parish evaluation of those instructed by their parents; this includes a formal approval of the material and method that parents must follow if they are to catechize their children. Never did we think that the following directive of Pope John Paul II would apply to our beloved United States. His words deserve to be memorized: In places where widespread unbelief or invasive secularism makes real religious growth practically impossible, the church of the home remains the one place where children and young people can receive an authentic catechesis. Thus there cannot be too great an effort on the part of Christian parents to prepare for this ministry of being their own childrens catechists and to carry it out with tireless zeal. Encouragement must also be given to the individuals or institutions that, through person- to-person contacts, through meetings, and through all kinds of pedagogical means, help parents to perform their tasks. The service they are doing to catechesis is beyond price (IX, 68). Can anyone doubt that our once Christian America has become a nation of widespread unbelief and of invasive secularism? But one more sentence must be added. So much of our nominally Catholic institutional education has been deeply infected by this unbelief and secularism. Many people do not even know what Americanism means. It is the movement propagated in the United States which claims that the Catholic Church should adjust her doctrines, especially in morality, to the culture of the people. When members of the American hierarchy received the encyclical, Humanae Vitae in 1968, they told their people that, The encyclical does not undertake to judge the consciences of individuals (Human Life in Our Day). In other words, Catholics may follow their consciences and ignore the teaching of the Vicar of Christ in the practice of contraception, which is at the root of abortion. This is the heart of the crisis in the Church in our day. Each persons mind is the final judge of what is true, as each persons will is the arbitor of what is morally good. Can we still wonder why Catholic parents insist on the right to teach their own children what Christ, through His Vicar, teaches those who are real and not just nominal members of the true Church? The Homosexual NetworkThe following reflections on the homosexual network in the United States are not easy to make. Anyone familiar with the widespread demoralization of our American people has no illusions about the role of homosexuals in this perversion. Our focus is on the rights and responsibilities of Catholic parents to teach their own children in home education. The hard question we are answering is why? One answer to this question is the tragic deprivation of Catholic fathers and mothers from dependence on so many members of the hierarchy for sound moral guidance. Who would have dreamt that we would see the day when American bishops would publish the sad pastoral on homosexuality, Always our Children? This pastoral consistently speaks of homosexual orientation, which everyone knows means that homosexuality is not a choice but an innate characteristic. The pastoral accepts the premise of homosexual activists who reject counseling or therapy for children who think they are homosexual. The pastoral intimidates Catholics into abandoning their natural instincts and Church teaching against sodomy. The pastoral urges parents of gay and lesbian children to join support groups which have been founded by activists with the intention of forcing a change in Church teaching on homosexuality. So the pathetic litany could go on. But I think it says enough to explain why Catholic parents insist on the divinely-conferred right to instruct their children in what the Son of God became man to teach the human race. Copyright © 1998 Inter Mirifica |
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