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An Analysis of Anglican Concepts of the Papal Magisterium from the First Through the Tenth Lambeth Conference


by Burns K. Seeley

Within our study, we have seen that the doctrine of the magisterial primacy of the papacy, reiterated and developed by Vatican I in 1870, challenged the Anglo-Catholic belief in the magisterial primacy of the episcopal college. Consequently, many Anglo-Catholics felt obliged to demonstrate the shortcomings of the Roman Catholic position by an appeal to Scripture and to ancient tradition.

During the period covered by the first ten Lambeth Conferences the most noteworthy aspect of Anglo-Catholic scholarship in this area was the development of concepts of the papacy which increasingly resembled the doctrine of the Church of Rome. Generally speaking, however, even the more recent of these did not attribute to the papal magisterium a divinely authorized primacy independent of the final judgment of the universal episcopate.

The latter stages of this development also contributed to the less hostile attitude towards Roman Catholicism found within the more recent Lambeth Conferences. This was particularly noticeable in the 1968 Conference where a willingness was expressed to re-examine the question of the Church’s magisterium together with a re-examination of allied questions dealing with doctrinal infallibility and Petrine primacy. In sharp contrast to this irenicism was the bold assertion by the 1878 Conference that the doctrine of the magisterial primacy of the papacy, with accompanying belief in papal infallibility, was an invasion of the attributes of Christ.

We also noted in our study that even the more recent scholars tended to interpret the Roman Catholic teaching of the magisterial primacy of the papacy as the equivalent of a belief in papal absolutism in doctrinal matters. Consequently, there was a tendency among the scholars to stress only those scriptural, patristic and conciliar texts which revealed a legitimate magisterial role for the episcopal college. This procedure, however, often left overlooked certain key texts which supported the authentic Roman Catholic position on the papacy. Therefore, in the spirit of the 1968 Conference, it is imperative if unity in the Truth is to be achieved, that question of the Church’s magisterium be re-examined in the light of all the evidence provided by the early undivided Church. It is also imperative that the results of such a re-examination be collated with Roman Catholic doctrine.

This project, prayerfully undertaken, should yield the following conclusions.

  1. A realization that, during more than four centuries of separation from the Church of Rome, a substantial amount of misunderstanding occurred regarding the Roman Catholic doctrine of the papal magisterium and its relationship to the magisterium of the episcopal college.

  2. An awareness that Scripture reveals a divinely appointed magisterial primacy over both the Apostles and the whole Church given to Peter as the immovable rock, holder of the keys and strengthener of the brethren.

  3. A discovery that Scripture implicitly teaches that as long as the Church militant endures the need exists for a successor of Peter, the constitutional rock upon whom the Church militant was built.

  4. A discovery that, in addition to the early Church’s belief that the episcopal college inherited its magisterial authority from the Apostles, it was also held that the Roman pontiff inherited Peter’s magisterial authority.

  5. An awareness that, in virtue of the divinely authorized primacy of the papal magisterium, ancient tradition considered the episcopal college to consist solely of the bishops in communion with the See of Peter. Consequently, only the regional or territorial Churches in communion with Rome were regarded as full members of the Catholic Church.

  6. A realization that the contemporary Roman Catholic doctrine concerning the magisterial authority of both Peter and his successors in Rome accords with the testimony of Scripture and of ancient tradition.


Primary Sources

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Benson, Edward W., Cyprian: His Life, His Times, His Work, London, Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1897, xxxvii-636 p.
Bicknell, E. J., The Thirty-Nine Articles, London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1925 (2nd ed.), xxi-560 p.
Bright, Williams, The Roman See in the Early Church, London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1896, x-490 p.
Catholicity, Westminster, Dacre Press, 1952, 56 p.
Chadwick, W.O., “The Study of the Fathers,” in Church Quarterly Review, Vol. 153, 1952, p. 509-514.
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Dix, Gregory, O.S.B., “Ministry in the Early Church,” in Kenneth E. Kirk (ed.), The Apostolic Ministry, London, Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1947, p. 185-304.
Doctrine in the Church of England, London, S.P.C.K., 1938, viii-242 p.
Fairweather, Eugene, “The Church,” in Bernard C. Pawley (ed.), The Second Vatican Council: Studies by Eight Anglican Observers, London, Oxford University Press, 1967, p. 54-84.
Flindall, R.P., “Anglican and Roman Attitudes: 1825-1875,” in Church Quarterly Review, Vol. 169, 1968.
Garbett, Cyril, Authority in Doctrine, London, S.P.C.K., 1950, 15 p.
Gore, Charles, Roman Catholic Claims, London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1892 (4th ed.), xxii-184 p.
Grant, Frederick C., Rome and Reunion, New York, Oxford University Press, 1965, ix-196 p.
Halifax, Lord (Charles Lindley Wood), (ed.), The Conversations at Malines 1921-1925, London, Philip Allan and Co. Ltd., 1930, 308 p.
Hall, Francis J., Authority: Ecclesiastical and Biblical, New York, Longmans, Green and Co., 1908, xii-300 p.
Hanson, R.P.C., “A Modern Defense of Infallibility,” in Theology, Vol. 57, 1959, p. 378-383.
Headlam, Arthur C., The Church of England, London, John Murray, 1925, xiii-296 p.
“A Roman Catholic View of Reunion,” in Church Quarterly Review, Vol. 90, 1920, p. 289-300.
Infallible Fallacies: An Anglican Reply to Roman Catholic Arguments, London, S.P.C.K., 1944, xi-568 p.
Jalland, Trevor Gervase, The Church and the Papacy: A Historical Study, London, S.P.C.K., 1944, xi-568 p.
Jones, Spencer, England and the Holy See: An Essay towards Reunion, London, Green and Co., 1902, xxx-264 p.
Kidd, B.J., “Memorandum in Reply to ‘L’piscopat et la papautệ, au point de vue thệologiqaue’, par Mgr. Van Roey,” in Lord Halifax (Charles Lindley Wood) (ed.), The Conversations at Malines 1921-1925, London, Philip Allan and Co., Ltd., 1930, p. 175-184.
“Papalism or Federalism,” in Church Quarterly Review, Vol. 76, 1913, p. 382-405.
Kidd, B.J., “The Petrine Texts, as Employed to A.D. 461,” in Lord Halifax (Charles Lindley Wood) (ed.), The Conversations at Malines, London, Philip Allan and Co., Ltd., 1930, p. 123-133.
The Roman Primacy to A.D. 461, London, S.P.C.K., 1936, ix-11-159 p.
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Pusey, E.B., The Councils of the Church: From the Council of Jerusalem A.D. 51, to the Council of Constantinople A.D. 381, Oxford, John Henry Parker, 1857, xiv-353 p.
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Rawlinson, Alfred Edward John and Wilfred L. Knox, “Authority,” in Edward Gordon Selwyn (ed.), Essays Catholic and Critical, London, S.P.C.K., (3rd ed.) 1939, p. 117-119.
Richardson, Cyril C., “By What Authority,” in Anglican Theological Review, Vol. 24, 1942, p. 245-255.
Robinson, Armitage, “The Position of St. Peter in the Primitive Church. A Summary of the New Testament Evidence,” in Lord Halifax (George Lindley Wood) (ed.), The Conversations at Malines 1921-1925, London, Philip Allan and Co. Ltd., 1930, p. 89-102.
Rossner, John L., “New Light on Cyprian,” in Anglican Theological Review, Vol. 40, 1958, p. 214-219.
Salmon, George, The Infallibility of the Church, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House, 1951, xxix-488 p. (A reprint of the 2nd ed. of 1890).
Scott, K.C., “Infallibility,” in Church Quarterly Review, Vol. 167, 1966, p. 201-207.
Scott, S. Herbert, The Eastern Churches and the Papacy, London, Sheed and Ward, 1928, viii-404 p.
Selwyn, Edward Gordon (ed.), Essays Catholic and Critical, London, S.P.C.K., (3rd ed.) 1938, x-452 p.
Simmons, A.H., To All That Be In Rome, London, Frisby, Sons and Whipple (Printers) Ltd., 1965, 41 p.
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Williams, N.P., Our Case As Against Rome, London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1918, 96 p.

Lambeth Conference Documents

Davidson, Randall T. (ed.), The Five Lambeth Conferences, London, S.P.C.K., 1920, xii-446 p.
The Lambeth Conferences of 1867, 1878, and 1888, London. S.P.C.K., 1896, 414 p.
The Lambeth Conference, 1930: Encyclical Letter from the Bishops together with the Resolutions and the Reports, London, S.P.C.K., 1930, 200 p.
The Lambeth Conference, 1948: Encyclical Letter from the Bishops together with the Resolutions and the Reports, London, S.P.C.K., 1948, 173 p.
The Lambeth Conference, 1958: Encyclical Letter from the Bishops together with the Resolutions and the Reports, London, S.P.C.K., 1958, 237 p.
The Lambeth Conference, 1968: Encyclical Letter from the Bishops together with the Resolutions and the Reports, London, S.P.C.K., 1968, 153 p.

Official Anglican Documents

The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church According to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, New York, The Church Pension Fund, 1945, ivii-611 p.
The Supremacy Act, 1534 (26 Henry VIII, cap. 1: Statutes of the Realm, iii. 492).
The Supremacy Act, 1559 (1 Elizabeth, cap. 1: Statutes of the Realm, iv. pt. i. 350).
The Thirty-Nine Articles (appended to Anglican Books of Common Prayer).


Novum Testament Graeca, Critical edition by Eberhard Nestle and Erwin Nestle, 21st ed., Stuttgart, Privileg. Wurtt. Bibelanstalt, 1952, 110-657 p.

Writings of the Fathers and Other Ancient Authors

The editions used in our research are indicated as follows:

    CSEL:  Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna, 1866 ff.
    Kirsopp Lake:  The Apostolic Fathers, irsopp Lake, Longdon, 1925.
    Lightfoot:  Apostolic Fathers, J.B. Lightfoot (ed.), London 1890.
    Loeb:  Loeb Classical Library, London, 1912 ff.
    Mansi:  Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova et Amplissima Collectio, J.D. Mansi, Florence, 1759-1798.
    PG:  Patrologia Graeca, J.P. Migne (ed.), Paris, 1857-1866.
    PL:  Patrologia Latina, J.P. Migne (ed.), Paris, 1844-1864.

The English translations used in the thesis were, with two exceptions, taken from Documents Illustrating Papal Authority A.D. 96-454, E. Giles (ed.), London, S.P.C.K., 1952, xxi-330 p. Although, in the interests of clarity, we made a few slight modifications. In the case of one version of Cyprian’s work on Church unity, we used the translation of Edward Benson which is so identified in the body of the thesis. Also, we used Trevor Jalland’s translation of a letter from Empress Pulcheria to Pope Leo I.

Ambrose, Book on the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Lord (PL 16)
……………. Epistle 11 (PL 16)
……………. Epistle 13 (PL 16)
……………. Exposition on Luke (PL 15)
……………. Narration on Psalm 40 (PL 14)
Anatolius, To Leo, A.D. 454 (PL 54)
Athanasius, History of the Arians (PG 25)
……………. On the Opinion of Dionvsius (PG 25)
……………. The Councils (PG 26)
Athenagorus, Embassy for the Christians (PG 6)
Augustine, Against the Letter of Mani (PL 42)
……………. Against the Letter of Parmenian (PL 43)
……………. Against the Two Letters of the Pelagians (PL 44)
……………. Epistle 43 (PL 33)
……………. Epistle 53 (PL 33)
……………. Epistle 177 (PL 33)
Augustine, Epistle 209 (PL 33)
……………. Narration on Psalm 56 (PL 36)
……………. On Adulterous Marriages (PL 40)
……………. On Baptism against the Donatists (CSEL 51)
……………. On Christian Suffering (PL 40)
……………. On the Donatist Schism (CSEL 26)
……………. On the Good of Marriage (PL 40)
……………. On the Good of John (PL 35)
……………. On the Unity of the Church (PL 43)
……………. Psalm against the Donatist Party (CSEL 5)
……………. Retractions ( PL 32)
……………. Sermon 76 (PL 38)
……………. Sermon 131 (PL 38)
……………. Sermon 149 (PL 38)
……………. Sermon 295 (PL 38)
Basil, Epistle 199 (PG 32)
Celestine, Epistle 11 (PL 50)
……………. Epistle 13 (PL 50)
……………. Epistle 16 (PL 50)
……………. Epistle 18 (PL 50)
Chrysostom, Homily on 2 Timothy 3:1 (PG 56)
……………. On the Acts of the Apostles (PG 60)
……………. On John (PG 59)
Chrysostom, On Matthew (PG 58)
…………… On Penitence (PG 49)
Clement of Alexandria, Carpets (PG 8)
…………… How Can A Rich Man Be Saved? (PG 9)
Clement of Rome, I Clement (Lightfoot, Part I, Vol. II)
Cyprian, Against Marcion (PL 2)
…………… Epistle 33 (CSEL 3)
…………… Epistle 43 (CSEL 3)
…………… Epistle 47 (CSEL 3)
…………… Epistle 48 (CSEL 3)
…………… Epistle 55 (CSEL 3)
…………… Epistle 59 (CSEL 3)
…………… Epistle 68 (CSEL 3)
…………… Epistle 70 (CSEL 3)
…………… Epistle 74 (CSEL 3)
…………… On the Character of Virgins (CSEL 3)
…………… On the Unity of the Catholic Church (CSEL 3)
Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on John’s Gospel (PG74)
…………… Commentary on Luke’s Gospel (PG72)
…………… Epistle 11 (PG 77)
…………… Epistle 17 (PG 77)
…………… Epistle 40 (PG 77)
…………… On the Holy Trinity
Dionysius of Corinth, To the Romans (Loeb I)
……………. To Soter (Loeb I)
Eutherius of Tyana and Helladius of Tarsus, To Sixtus III (Mansi V)
Firmilian, To Cyprian (CSEL 3)
Gregory I, Epistle to Hadrian (PL 77)
Gregory of Naxianzus, Epistle 144 (PG 37)
Hermas, The Shepherd (PG 2)
Innocent I, Epistle 20 (PL 33)
……………. Epistle 30 (PL 33)
Irenaeus, Against the Heresies (PG 7)
Jerome, Epistle 15 (PL 22, 1845 ed.)
……………. Epistle 22 (PL 22)
……………. Epistle 77 (PL 22)
……………. Epistle 130 (PL 22)
……………. Epistle 146 (PL 22)
Justin Martyr, Apology (PG 6)
Liberius, To the Eastern Presbyters and Bishops (PL10)
Leo I, Epistle 44 (PL 54)
……………. Epistle 77 (PL 54)
……………. Epistle 93 (PL 54)
……………. Epistle 104 (PL 54)
……………. Epistle 105 (PL 54)
……………. Epistle 106 (PL 54)
……………. Epistle 120 (PL 54)
……………. Sermon 3 (PL 54)
……………. Sermon 4 (PL 54)
……………. Sermon 5 (PL 54)
Optatus of Mileve (CSEL 26)
Origen, Commentary on Matthew (PG 13)
Pulcheria, To Leo (PL 54)
Sixtus III, Epistle 6 (PL 50)
Tertullian, On Modesty (CSEL 20)
……………. On Monogamy (PL 2)
……………. On Patience (PL 1)
……………. On the Prescription against Heretics (PL2)
Theodoret, Church History (PG 82)
……………. Epistle 113 (PL 54)
Theodosius and Valentinian, To Cyril (Mansi IV)
……………. To Cyril and to All Metropolitans (Mansi IV)
Vincent of Lerins, Commonitory (PL 50)
Zosimus, Epistle 12 (PL 20)
……………. Didache (Kirsopp Lake I)

Conciliar Documents

In our research, we used the following editions:

Collectio Lacensis: Collectio Lacensis Conciliorum Recentiorem, Freiburg i. Br., 1892.
Constitutiones, Decreta, et Declarationes: Sacrosanctorum Concilium Vaticanum Secundum: Constitutiones, Decreta, et Declarationes, Vatican City, 1966.
    CSEL:  Corpus Scriptuorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna, 1866 ff.
    PG:  Patrologia Graeca, J.P. Migne (ed.), Paris, 1857-1866.
    PL:  Patrologia Latina, J.P. Migne (ed.), Paris, 1844-1866.
    Swartz:  Acts Conciliorum Oecumenicorum, E. Schwartz (ed.), Strassburg, 1914 ff.
    Turner:  Ecclesia Occidentalis Monuments Iuris Antiquissima, C.H. Turner (ed.), Oxford, 1899 ff.

The English translations of all but the documents of the Vatican Councils were taken from Documents Illustrating Papal Authority A.D. 96-454, E. Giles (ed.), London, S.P.C.K., 1952, xxi-330 p. In the case of Vatican I, the translations were taken from The Church Teaches: Documents of the Church in English Translation, John F. Clarkson, B.J., et al. (translators), St. Louis, B. Herder Book Co., 1961, xiv-354 p. In the case of Vatican II, the translations used were contained in The Sixteen Documents of Vatican II, Washington, D.C., The National Catholic Welfare Conference Publications Office, 1966, 624 p.

Council of Aquileia, A.D. 381, To the Emperors (PL 16, 1845 ed.)
Council of Arles, To Sylvester (CSEL 26)
Council of Carthage, A.D. 258, The Sentence of the Bishops (CSEL 3)
Council of Carthage, A.D. 416, To Innocent (PL 33)
Council of Chalcedon, A.D. 351, Canon 28 (PL 67)
…………… To Leo (PL 54)
Council of Constantinople, A.D. 381, Canon 3 (PL 67)
Council of Ephesus, A.D. 431, To the Emperors Theodosius and Valentinian (Schwartz Tom. I, Vol. II)
…………….. To Celestine (PL 50)
Council of Mileve, A.D. 416, To Innocent (PL 33)
Council of Nicaea, A.D. 325, Canons (PL 67)
Council of Rome, A.D. 378, To the Emperors (PL 13)
Council of Sardica, Canons (Turner, Tom. I)
…………….. To the Church in Alexandria (PG 25)
Council of Sardica, To the Whole Church (PG 25)
…………….. To Julius (PL 10)
Proceedings of the Council of Ephesus (Schwartz Tom. I, Vol. I)
Proceedings of Vatican I (Collectio Lacensis VII)
Proceedings of Vatican II (Constitutiones, Decreta, et Declarationes)


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Stephenson, Alan M.G., The First Lambeth Conference, 1867, London, S.P.C.K., 1967, xviii-380 p.

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Schackenburg, Rudolph, L’ Ềglise dans le Noveau Testament, Paris, Editions du Cerf, 1964, 220 p.
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Tavard, George, The Quest for Catholicity: A Study in Anglicanism, Burns and Oates, London, ix-227 p.
Van de Pol, William H., Anglicanism in Ecumenical Perspective, Pittsburg, Duquesne University Press, 1965, x-293 p.

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